It sounds ridiculous to me, even as I type it. I've never heard anyone say this, but then again, I'm not a pharmacist. As an insurance broker, we hear a request along these lines daily, "I want the cheapest insurance please." Much like a patient sits with their doctor to determine which method of physical protection would work BEST for them and their current situation, your insurance broker should take the time to review for you what the BEST solution for your situation might be.
At times the solution to manage your risks might be the cheapest insurance product, at other times it might not be insurance at all. We also need to bear in mind that there is also a difference between cheap and inexpensive, and they aren't always the same thing. So how does one get the most out of their insurance broker?
When meeting with your broker be honest and up front about what it is you want out of the transaction. Let your broker know what your fears are and what is most important to you. Your initial meeting should be an interview of sorts, and it is a two way interview, you need to find a broker with whom you can work with easily, and one who wants to work with you. Full disclosure is very important, remember, your insurance company is the one who will finance you when your business is not operating, so it is imperative that there are no surprises at the time of a claim (for either party).
Remember, buying an insurance policy is very much like buying birth control, you're attempting to manage a risk of some sort. Work with your chosen professional in order to determine what is the most cost effective way to obtain the best product for your needs.
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